Observe Extraordinary Biodiversity
Hosting 70% of the species present in the entire country of Italy, the TEA National Park is extraordinarily rich in wildlife. Almost all of the species of Mediterranean fauna live within the Park and its surrounding territory. Those who are avid wildlife watchers are sure to be rewarded with glimpses of the park's spectacular organisms. Even casual observers can view wildlife by driving or walking at sunset or dusk in almost any quiet location.
Wolf Center of the Appenines
In order to manage wolf conservation and the issues related to it, the TEA National Park has established Wolf Center of the Apennines (WAC). The WAC operates in the northen Apennines, both in and beyond the park's formal borders. WAC staff monitor the presence and distribution of wolves in the territory, using the presence and frequency of wolf howling, traces, and tracks. The WAC also performs genetic analysis in order to identify wolves and wolf-dog hybrids. The WAC also takes care of injured wolves, and manages damages to domestic cattle and ther prevention. The WAC is also in charge of popularizing wolf-related topics, and sharing information about the presence of wolf in the TEA National Park. Visit this link for more information. WAC Facebook page.
The Park's LIFE projects
The LIFE program is the European Union's (EU) financial instrument supporting environmental, nature conservation and climate action projects throughout the EU. The specific theme of LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity can be targeted on biodiversity issues, habitats or species. Since the foundation, the Park participated to 5 LIFE+ projects, 4 of which are still active:
- LIFE EX-TRA (LIFE/NAT/IT/000502), closed in 2013
- LIFE M.I.R.CO. LUPO (LIFE13/NAT/IT/000728)
Target species: Gray wolf (Canis lupus)
This project, which the Park coordinates, aims to minimize the impact of free-ranging dogs on wolf populations in Italy. Hybridization between dog and wolf threatens the integrity of the population of wild Italian wolves (Canis lupus italicus). The LIFE M.I.R.CO. project takes action both on wild populations, by capturing and spaying hybrid individuals, and on domestic dog population, by providing free spayings, health checks and treatments to sheperds' working and livestock-protection dogs.
Target species: Italian barbel (Barbus plebejus) and Mediterranean barbel (Barbus meridionalis)
The project aims to improve the conservation of these two barbel (fish) species in the Emilian tributaries of Po river. Barbels' population are endangered for different threats, regarding both their habitat (eg. fragmentation due to barriers in streams) and the fishing activity management (eg. introduction of exotic species which compete for food with barbels). The LIFE BARBIE project includes both habitat improvement actions and reintroduction actions in order to strengthen the existent barbel populations.
Target species: Osmoderma eremita, Rosalia alpina, Graphoderus bilineatus, Coenagrion mercuriale castellanii
The aim of this project is to improve the best conservation conditions for these 4 insect species, 2 of which (Osmoderma eremita and Rosalia alpina) are of prioritary conservation importance. LIFE EREMITA operates both on human-caused conservation threats and on habitat improvement, together with reintroduction and translocation activities designed to improve the maintenance of native insect populations.
Target habitat types: rocky and caves
The main objective of the project is the protection of the cave habitats, specifically gypsum karst ecosystems. Among the wildlife linked with these habitats the project aims to monitor and protect the bat population, which includes 20 different species.
The Park's wildlife

Number of species: 14
Percentage of Italian species: 37%

Number of species: 108
Percentage of Italian species: 43%

Number of species: 22
Percentage of Italian species: 4%


Number of species: 42
Percentage of Italian species: 36%