Between Tuscany and Emilia, at the border with Liguria, there is a mountain pass famous among the people of Emilia, Liguria, and Tuscany. Many people remember Cerreto Pass for the baptism of skis and the snow-clad tracks, but everyone knows that this ridge is rich in glacial lakes and breathtaking views showing, in the distance, the sea of Cinque Terre. Today Cerreto Laghi, one of the most equipped and modern ski resorts of northern-central Italy, reveals its secrets thanks to the commitment of the CAI section from La Spezia.


Found 10 results
Piazzale del Lago (1,346) - Pranda Lake (1,273m) - Tornello Road - Morale Road - Cerreto Alpi (921m) - La Gabellina (996m) - Pranda Lake
Duration: 3 h 30 m
Piazzale Lago (1,346m), le Mandrie (1,500m), il Costone (1,607m), Belfiore Pass (1,669m), junction at Fontanini (1,350m), Junction to Rialbero (1,350m), Junction to Mt. Maccagnino (1,330m), Piazzale Lago (1,346m)
Duration: 4 h 30 m
Piazzale del Lago (1,346m) - Via monte Nuda - trail of the Alpini - loc. Belvedere - Crocetta Pass (1,261m) - Mt. Zuccalone (1,276m) - Pranda Lake (1,273m) - Cerretano Lake
Duration: 2 h 30 m
Piazzale del Lago (1,346m) - Pranda Lake - Cerreto Pass (1,253m) - springs of Secchia (1,509m) - Crocetta Pass (1,261m) - Alpini Trail - Piazzale del Lago
Alpini Trail - loc. Belvedere - Gea00 - Crocetta Pass - Padule Lake - lake ring-route - uphill trail to Crocetta Pass (96B) - 649B - Mt. Zuccalone - Pranda Lake
Duration: 4 h
Piazzale del Lago (1,346m) - downhill track Pranda - Le Gore Lake - Pranda Lake - Scuro Lake - Vivaio Lake - Cerretano Lake
Duration: 1 h 30 m
Piazzale del Lago (1,346m) - Via monte Nuda - woodland (1,390m) - road above Palaghiaccio - via Monte Nuda - Cerretano Lake
Piazzale del lago (1,346m) - via Belfiore - Nardini dirt road - torrent Riarbero - Junction to Mt. Maccagnino - Cozzani apartment house
Duration: 2 h 30 m
Piazzale del lago (1,346m) - Piazzale delle Brigate Alpine - Alpini Trail - junction to bivouac Rosario - bivouac Rosario (1,612m)
Piazzale del Lago (1,346m) - via Belfiore - Nardini dirt road - Mt. Maccagnino (1,393m) - Vallefonda (1,289m) - Cozzani apartment house
Duration: 1 h
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© 2025 - Ente Parco Nazionale Appennino Tosco-Emiliano
Via Comunale, 23 54013 Sassalbo di Fivizzano (MS) Tel. 0585-947200 - Contatti
C.F./P.IVA 02018520359
Codice univoco per la fatturazione elettronica: UF6SX1 PagoPA
The Park is a mosaic of villages

The Tuscan-Emilian Apennine National Park is made of a variety of distinct and different pieces that come together to create one unforgettable vacation.
While the diversity of the villages, attractions, forests, and mountains may surprise you, their close proximity allows visitors to see a little bit of everything in a short amount of time.
The more you see, the more you can appreciate the entire region. Explore the mosaic of places, people and experiences which make up the Park!
