What do you think about it? Sharing goals, identifying priorities.

The National Park asks for citizens' opinions

( Sassalbo, 10 January 2013 )

The Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park Authority launches a consultation involving all the citizens who live in the ridge, those who usually visit the Apennine, the tourists and all the people living, working or spending their spare time in Park's territory. Through this transparent and easily understandable means the Park Authority aims at sharing the achieved results, evaluating their effectiveness and pertinence, recognizing the potentiality to draw up a chart of the priorities to be included in the 2013 Performance Plan.

"To collect the different opinions and to share a way regarding the goals we pursue is more than a duty imposed by the Law on Transparency" says Giuseppe Vignali, director of the National Park.
"The meetings we carried out during the last weeks have allowed us to talk with the communities from the Garfagnana, from the Appennino Reggiano and from the ridge near Parma (next meeting will take place in Lunigiana): we could understand the importance of the dialogue between the Park Authority and the Territory. Then we had the idea to use the Web 2.0 to collect proposals, critiques and suggestions on the way we should walk. The survey's results will be published and used to define the Park Authority's goals regarding the 2013 Performance Plan. We only ask you to take part to this project by answering the questionnaire you can find on the Park Authority's web pages under the section entitled "Cosa ne pensi?": with a few clicks you can express your approval or disapproval on the different goals".

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Via Comunale, 23 54013 Sassalbo di Fivizzano (MS) Tel. 0585-947200 - Contatti
C.F./P.IVA 02018520359
Codice univoco per la fatturazione elettronica: UF6SX1 PagoPA
The Park is a mosaic of villages

The Tuscan-Emilian Apennine National Park is made of a variety of distinct and different pieces that come together to create one unforgettable vacation.
While the diversity of the villages, attractions, forests, and mountains may surprise you, their close proximity allows visitors to see a little bit of everything in a short amount of time.
The more you see, the more you can appreciate the entire region. Explore the mosaic of places, people and experiences which make up the Park!
