8 ottobre 2023

Mushroom hunting and picking 2017

Individual World Championship 2017

Participants will try - in compliance with the Regulation and applicable norms, as well as with instructions provided during the information evening on 7th October 2017 - to find and pick:
  • the heaviest basketful of porcino mushrooms
  • the biggest mushroom
  • the most handsome mushroom

Each participant must be equipped with a stiff, wicker (or other vegetal fibres) hand-basket; pack baskets or rucksacks are not allowed.

Upon registration, participants will receive a bag (to be placed inside the basket) where up to 3 kilos of mushrooms may be stored; participants can take a small rucksack with them, to carry clothes or hiking material only. Judges will however be entitled to check the contents.

If a participant picks 3 kilos of mushrooms, and especially if he/she manages to do so before the competition is over, he/she must go back immediately to the point of departure, to have the bag precisely weighed; if the judges deem the weigh valid, the time of delivery will be marked on a tag to be placed on the bag itself, and the participant will have finished the competition; if, on the contrary, the weigh is judged insufficient, the participant will have the possibility to return in the wood and complete his/her search. It is therefore advisable to be equipped with a small or spring scale, in order to weigh the mushrooms directly in the wood.

When the competition's four hours expire, participants must go back to the point of departure to have their bags sealed; participants arriving after the time limit will be disqualified.

If all participants finish the competition at the end of the time limit, they will be ranked according to their bags' weight and, in case of a draw, according to the number of mushrooms picked; if, instead, one or more participants deliver 3 kilos of mushrooms before the time limit, they will be ranked according to the time of arrival.

On the basis of the final ranking, the following prizes will be awarded:
  • To the first place winner in the "heaviest basket" category
Gold medal and a 100€ voucher
  • To the second place winner in the "heaviest basket" category
Silver medal and a 50€ voucher
  • To the third place winner in the "heaviest basket" category
Bronze medal and a 25€ voucher
  • To the heaviest individual mushroom
Gold medal and a 100€ voucher
  • To the most handsome mushroom
Gold medal and a 100€ voucher

Team World Championship 2017
Each team, composed of 5 participants, will try - in compliance with the Regulation and applicable norms, as well as with instructions provided during the information evening on 7th October 2017 - to find and pick the heaviest amount of porcino mushrooms.
Participants to the team competition CANNOT TAKE PART IN THE INDIVIDUAL COMPETITION.

Teams will be ranked by adding together the amounts picked by their 5 members. In case of a draw, the following criteria will be taken into consideration:
  1. number of participants having picked 3 kilos of mushrooms before the time limit
  2. number of mushrooms picked

On the basis of the final ranking, the following prizes will be awarded:
  • To the first place team
Trophy "1st place winner in the world team championship"
  • To the second place team
Trophy "2nd place winner in the world team championship"
  • To the third place team
Trophy "3rd place winner in the world team championship"